Sunday, November 13, 2011


Yesterday evening there was a pretty good windstorm here in the desert east of Bisbee. My truck and camper, weighing around 9,000 pounds, was swaying and rocking. It quieted down just after dusk, then the rain started. A Seattle-type rain, steady and soaking, just, apparently, what this area needs.

I had pestered my son earlier to text me scores and such from the football game between My Beloved Ducks and Stanford. Stanford has had an exceptional year, a winning streak of 17 games (the last to the Ducks), an excellent quarterback, and I actually expected them to win. They were ranked 4th in the nation, my ducks 7th. I had expressed this to my son, who patiently explained that Oregon had more speed, talent, and Stanford couldn't keep up with their no-huddle offense. He was correct, of course. The Ducks won by over 20.

It's a curious thing, being a Oregon fan. I went there in my youth, played basketball there until it was explained to me that I was too short to be a Pac-8 forward, and too slow to be a guard. This by the coach, bless his heart. Anyway, it's like what I imagine being a Cubs fan; a yearning hope, followed by inevitable disappointment. We don't do success well, we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Last year, when the Ducks were ranked #1 and went unbeaten in the regular season was nerve-wracking. This year, the first game against LSU, a great team, was a loss, and all pressure was off.

By now I've lost all three readers of this blog, no doubt. So on with today's pictures:

Here's one for any Buttians who read this, it's a gallow's headframe, at least that what they call them in Butte, the only other place I've seen one. They were used to lower and raise the miners going down to the mines, and to lift out the ore, I think.

The next two are of an old adobe structure on the edge of the RV camp. I know nothing about it's history or use, perhaps I'll find out. I'm going to stay here through Wednesday.

The next two were taken from the camp, looking east. The incoming weather fronts.

The last is of the campground, with my truck in the middle. I like it; it has very good wifi, the other rigs are not the 250K ones you see at many RV camps, and most of the people here seem just fine.

So, I'll close for now. The sun is setting over the south China Sea....oh, wait. Sorry, just another flashback.


  1. It must be nice to be interested & enthused about your college alma maters football team. My "beloved" Gophers have in years and the last time they played in the Rose Bowl I was a student (I think Hoover may have been President then).....

  2. Thanks for the pics & report, Mike. Right: the head frame (aka gallows frame) was a structure that worked like an oil derrick--men (in "cages"), mules, equipment etc went down the shaft. Ore (and men too, most times) came up.
