Monday, December 5, 2011

3 days and 1000 miles

Port Mansfield, Texas. I've been on the road now since 1 October, and logged a lot of miles. My goal, for whatever reason, has been get to the Gulf of Mexico. Seemed right, somehow. Three days ago, with Montana-like conditions forecast for Bisbee, I decided to hit the road and outrun the cold front. Saturday I got to Van Horn Tx, and the next day to just north of Laredo. Today, I made the trip to here.

What had I expected? Not sure, but probably something along the line of laying on a beach, drinks with little umbrellas, stuff like that. What have I found? (Yes, it's still early in the trip, and I expect it'll change...)

Deer. Whitetail deer. Place is overrun with the buggers. The community of Port Mansfield (calling it a town is a stretch) is an area that was designated as an animal sanctuary, donated by one of the King family, of the King ranch clan. The picture was taken about 30 feet from my truck camper.

A couple pictures of the port, and gulf:

It's currently around 55f, which has the local's dismayed. Once I found this place in a book I called, and after a friendly chat in which I said "no, I can't repair dryers", the owner said I could stay for cheap, even though I can't repair household appliances.

I foraged in Raymondville on 77, and found fresh tortillas, local lettuce and avacados (huge, and 2 for a buck), and some decent looking fajita beef skirt steak. And a huge papaya for breakfast, with a couple limes to dress it.

My impression of Texas has not improved on the drive here; the many long miles on I10 were the same scenery, and intermittent rain. I've seen enough mesquite to last a lifetime. And mesa's, as neat as they may be. Perhaps the drive north from here, past Huston on the seaward side, will change my mind.

It's windy tonight, cool by local standards, and the weather looks iffy for the next few days. I may just wait it out here, and get Kate to help research my trip north.


  1. I'm not found of Texas either but it probably has to do with politics as much as anthing. We're thinking of a few weeks this Feb. along the Gulf Coast including the Panhandle. I hope you decide to stick the course in hopes of my getting some ideas. I do know they have lots of wildlife sanctuaries. The naturalist and birder in me says to go... :)

  2. Couldn't agree more about Texas politics, Troutbirder. I happened to be in Mexico City some years back when Guvner Rick refused to stay the execution of a Mexican national, and I witnessed the demonstrations at the huge downtown park. I miss the lampoonings of Texas politics that Molly Ivins used to write.

  3. "Flyover country," but the coast sounds nice. Any clamdigging or crabbing to supplement your meager diet? What do people do for a living there?

  4. You have that right, Pat. Much better observed from 30,000 ft. So far, I've gotten better fruit, vegs etc. than at Albertsons in Butte. I've found Gulf shrimp, but no crabs yet. The deer would supplement my diet fine, a nice backstrap, but the laws...dunno what they do, most of the people I meet at campgrounds are retired.
