Saturday, February 22, 2025

I'm still among the unfortunate living in trump's Amerika

 Hello all

Lol..the 'all' is probably fewer than the fingers on one of my hand, but ever the optimist. 

It's been a mild, too mild winter here. Little snow, mild temps for the most part. I'm hoping the mountains will have a good snow pack come summer. 

My health has been passable, the CHF progresses, as it does. I'm limited to walking less than 6 blocks at at time, due to sob issues. So it goes. 

My kids are doing ok, youngest daughter has some extensive surgery coming up soon. The grands are generally good. The youngest, now 4 in a few months, just got glasses, which she rarely wears. 

I've been cooking some things that occupy my time, bread with the youngest g'daughter.

She mostly enjoys punching down the dough after it's risen the first time, then shaping the rolls for baking.

I'm dismayed by the last months events, our descent into a potential Nazi government, the chaos created by people intent on destroying democracy. My kids are also, but doing their best to resist in their own ways. 

A few random photos to amuse or interest. Hope all of you are well.

Where I was born, 79 years ago.

Granddaughter, wearing sweater made by my oldest, her Aunt Kate

my middle grandchild, in their first prom outfit

Me coming back from Europe a few years ago

Our backyard garden, last summer

Until next time, take care all. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Other blog

Not sure if I said that my posts will be on my other blog:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Road Trip....hiatus or the end?

I'm sitting on the back patio, watching the dusk gather on Los Angeles. I put on a long-sleeve shirt when it dropped below 70f, and I'm sipping a Malbec. Today I went to Whole Foods and found some good bread and cheese, and they happened to have a wine section. Later I walked to a Farmer's Market that occurs every Wednesday, and found a seafood stand that had fresh flounder and calamari. A few minutes ago I made a aioli with egg yolk, olive oil, garlic and a chili from the garden bordering the backyard. The calamari is going to be flash-fried till crisp and tender. Then I'll watch Cal try to beat Texas. I've parked the truck and camper on a street where it looks out of place, cleaned out the fridge and turned off the gas.

I left South Texas over a week ago, spent Christmas in Bisbee at the great RV campground Double Adobe, then drove here in two days. My good friend L. has offered the hospitality of her house, and I am planning on staying here while she goes to Europe in a couple weeks for a month. It's a fine neighborhood, two blocks away a view of the Pacific is available, and walking distance from stores. The backyard has a lemon and fig tree, and a palm tree in the distance. The front yard has a pomegranate tree, and a green groomed lawn. 

Here's the deal: I'm tired of life in my camper, as fun as it has been. I begin to understand why those RV-ers I've occasionally mocked with their satellite tv and sound systems have them. I'm not inclined that way, but I now understand it: there's nothing to do in RV campgrounds in the winter when it gets dark at 5:30pm. And, if it's nippy outside, one isn't inclined to go out at look at the stars. I've read in the evenings, listened to music, and watch movies on my dvd player. There is only so much of that I can do. I actually miss having to go out and shovel the snow, and walking around my house.

My stated goal for this trip was to see new places, avoid the snow, and perhaps do some fishing and meet new people. Mission accomplished on all counts. I actually have done more fishing than I had anticipated, the fishing was at times excellent in Port Mansfield. I met new people, some of whom I hope to continue to have contact with, and I saw places previously unseen.

I had thought I could find a place that was warm and had something to do, like fishing. I could simply hang out, read, and contemplate my navel at other times. I did that, for the most part; turns out finding a warm place in the winter is not that easy, unless you're willing to put up with south Florida. Even a mile from Mexico in south Arizona can get quite nippy. But, my capacity to simply hang out turns out to have limits. Mine was a couple months. And, the confining space of my camper eventually got to be a bit much.

So....I think I'll be here for a month or more longer, and eventually go home near the end of February, after a visit with my kids in the NW. The camper will stay on the truck through the fall, there's plenty of camping and fishing to be done this summer back in Montana. I miss Montana.

I'll probably post a few times while here, but this is the last post on this blog. I'm not on a Road Trip any more. It was fun, and instructive. But it's time for something else. My daughter Kate had some good advise for things I can do when home to better occupy myself. I also didn't care for being so far from my kids, and I want to be able to drive for a day and see them if I want or need arises.

So, thanks all for your support and comments.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Winter of My Discontent, or, It's Raining Again

Another rainy and semi-windy day. My neighbor and new-found-friend and I decided not to go fishing; tomorrow the forecast is somewhat better. So I sat, watched the rain, napped, listened to music and thought.

Why am I doing this trip, anyway? Contrary to what I've been telling anyone who asks, it's not just to avoid shoveling snow this winter. I think it is more out of boredom, or lack of purpose. Before I stopped working, I was busy; work had, up until the last couple years, occupied and interested me. Teaching, training, help develop new products, refine existing ones, on and on. I went from that to basically twiddling my thumbs. I thought my interests would occupy my time fine: fishing, travelling, seeing and doing things not done. Turns out they don't. And it ain't just today's weather.

I thought this trip would be just the thing: new places, warm weather, life on the road. I've tried travelling constantly, a day or two in one place, moving on. I've tried staying weeks in one place. Getting comfortable, meeting people, and now in this place fishing. Good fishing, actually. Neither have captured me; made me say this is fine, this is what I'll do. It's fine for a bit, but......even if it were possible for me to continue this on to the future, I'd choose something else.

So. In a week or less, the trip is reversing course. I'll fill you in as it happens.


The Winter of My Discontent, or, It's Raining Again

Another rainy and semi-windy day. My neighbor and new-found-friend and I decided not to go fishing; tomorrow the forecast is somewhat better. So I sat, watched the rain, napped, listened to music and thought.

Why am I doing this trip, anyway? Contrary to what I've been telling anyone who asks, it's not just to avoid shoveling snow this winter. I think it is more out of boredom, or lack of purpose. Before I stopped working, I was busy; work had, up until the last couple years, occupied and interested me. Teaching, training, help develop new products, refine existing ones, on and on. I went from that to basically twiddling my thumbs. I thought my interests would occupy my time fine: fishing, travelling, seeing and doing things not done. Turns out they don't.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another evening

Dusk comes on a cloudy, warm day here in the south Texas Gulf. I went fishing today, caught 3 speckled trout on my 6wt, it was fun. The biggest was around 20", and while it fought well, it was less spectacular than a similar rainbow. I didn't keep any, a bit tired of fish at this point. The fellow I went with has a nice boat, and is as committed a flyfisher as I've met. I listened for hours to him talk about how it has taken over his life (my interpretation). Curious, I asked how long he's fly fished, and he said 8 years. He asked me when I started, and when I said I thought it was in 1952, he didn't pursue the topic.
This evening is less windy, warm and cloudy. Deer again come around begging.

I didn't take any picture out on the gulf. In truth, I was less than happy to be fishing today. This fellow was kind enough to invite me, he's starved for conversation with other 'fly fishing folk', I didn't think it appropriate to tell him that I was tired of this cult-like attitude towards fly fishing. I smiled, only occasionally saying when he mentioned fishing on a river on such and such a place that I'd fished there in the 70's when it was good.

So, I'm still enjoying being here. One takes it all, and picks and chooses, eh?

For those still commenting on the previous post, that's where I'm continuing the conversion, in the comments section.